Our Backpack Challenge is back...with a SUMMERTIME twist! This time, your $5 donation will purchase an essential item in support of our summer delivery, such as bug spray, flashlights, sunscreen, sunglasses and T-shirts. See more of the story below.
To donate, use Venmo or PayPal @StevensStockings, or a credit or debit card on our website at:
Steven’s Stockings is working with 3 local outreach programs to bring essential items to the men & women in Hartford & Willimantic who live outside YEAR-ROUND, a population that is often overlooked or ignored.
The need here is MUCH greater than we anticipated but with your support we hope to achieve our goal of delivering essential summertime items to 200+ men & women.
If you've got a $5 and would like to donate, please send your donation through one of the options above.
Thank you to all for your continued support of our mission!